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Raising Kind, Caring, Good Kids


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Give your child the skills to battle worry and build confidence.

How can we help our children thrive in an increasingly uncertain world?

Emotional intelligence is at the core of a happy and meaningful life.

By teaching positive character traits—like compassion and gratitude—we give our children the tools to self-motivate, build positive relationships, and effectively manage stress and worry.

Here's how Raising Kind, Caring, Good Kids works:

First, you read a short story with your child.

The eight stories each focus on a positive character trait and feature an animal facing a dilemma. The story encourages your child to empathize with the animal and think about what they could do and what they should do.

Next, you learn about the traits with discussions and activities.

Your child finds and learns synonyms for the character trait in the story, gains a deeper understanding of the trait through a conversation prompt, and completes meaningful activities.

And finally, your child earns their affirmation badge.

After your child displays the character trait three times, they earn their affirmation badge! By the end of the workbook, your child will be able to say the eight affirmations with pride.

Here's what you'll receive:

Sweet Stories to Read with Your Child

You receive eight stories about an animal who is facing a dilemma related to one of the character traits:

  • Graciousness
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility
  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Hopefulness
  • Kindness
  • Gratitude

Discussion Questions & Activities

After each story, you will find activity pages that include:

  • a "let's chat" discussion prompt
  • an activity
  • synonyms for the trait
  • a writing or drawing prompt relating to the story
  • a place to record when your child displays the trait

Affirmations & Beautiful Printables

Printables with original watercolor art are included to extend the learning:

  • 8x Character Art Cards
  • 8x Affirmation Cards
  • 8x Mini Affirmation Cards
  • 16x Mini Synonym Cards
  • Affirmations Poster
  • Affirmations Poster (Blank)
  • DIY Affirmation Badge Poster
  • 24x Affirmation Badges

Plus Expert Tips from a Child Psychologist

My husband, who is a Child Psychologist, partnered with me to create this resource. He even agreed to allow me to interview him!

Your coursebook includes links to videos where I ask my husband some tough questions to see how he might handle certain big emotions.

By the end of the workbook, your child will be able to say these eight affirmations with pride:

  • I am gracious; I have good manners.
  • I am responsible; I do what I am supposed to do.
  • I am courageous; I can do hard things.
  • I am compassionate; I help others.
  • I am honest; I tell the truth.
  • I am kind; I treat others with love.
  • I am hopeful; I believe good things will happen.
  • I am grateful; I show appreciation.